Experienced Chimney Sweepers Serving London And Beyond
The Services we provide at C.S.C.S LOGISTICS are carried out by qualified professionals who have your best interests at heart.
If you are planning on getting married why not have one of our chimney sweeps come along to the ceremony for good luck:
"In parts of Great Britain it is considered lucky for a bride to see a chimney sweep on her wedding day. Many modern British sweeps hire themselves out to attend weddings in pursuance of this tradition. It is also considered good luck to shake hands with a chimney sweep or to be blown a kiss by one." - Wikipedia Quote
Our chimney services include:
- Chimney Sweeping - all your chimneys/flues swept and cleaned. Clearing the soot build up and obstructions from all wood, coal, oil and gas fires.
- Chimney Capping - if you are no longer using your chimney then have it capped to stop heat loss. You not only waste heat and therefore money, but also an unused chimney can be a problem for increasing damp. A solution is to have us cap your chimney with a flue ventilator. The ventilator stops the rain, but also allows a little bit of air pass through for better ventilation.
- Pots and Cowls Fitted And Replaced - to keep your chimney properly ventilated you need to have the correct pot/cowl fitted. All chimney flues need to have ventilation to breath and we can advise you on and fit the best type and design of pot/cowl to suit your needs. They can protect your chimney from drafts, foreign items (birds, debris) and moisture.
- Weddings Attended for Good Luck - try something different at your wedding and have a sweep wish you good luck. Its a great UK tradition and will be the talking point for weeks to come after your wedding.
- Certifications - we can give you a certificate to prove you have had your chimney professionally cleaned. This is great evidence for insurance purposes that you have done your best to make sure your home is protected against fire.
If you would like more information on what we can do for you, then please don't hesitate to contact us on 07704 980 956.